Food as Medicine

Food as medicine spotlight featuring Tuna and Broccoli Cakes
Food as Medicine

Food as Medicine Spotlight 2: Tuna & Broccoli Cakes

We’re back with our second issue of the Food as Medicine blog post and video series, celebrating the power of smart nutritional choices to elevate our health and wellness.  In case you missed it – and trust us, you don’t want to – our very first installment of the Food as Medicine series featured Portuguese kale soup. Fall is coming, folks. You’re going to want to bookmark this one!  Today, Chef Brulé is psyched to share a quick and easy recipe, inspired by her culinary training in Baltimore, where the blue crab reigns supreme. In deference to our readers who live further afield of Charm City, Chef Brulé offers a healthy alternative, not to mention a more affordable alternative: canned tuna.  We believe that convenience and accessibility is key to embracing food as medicine, so, whenever possible, these recipes will feature ingredients that likely already have a home in your kitchen or pantry. Following Chef Brulé’s recipe and video, we will isolate the ingredients that check the box on tuna and broccoli cakes as food that could be considered medicine.  To your health! But first…  A Word from Chef Brulé I received most of my culinary training in Baltimore (or, “Balmore, hon!” if you’re a Marylander) where the blue crab is king. Crab cakes remain in my seafood rotation but, sometimes, I switch it up by replacing costly crab with affordable canned tuna.  Both crab and tuna are good sources of protein and potassium but tuna has less than half the cholesterol of crab. I’ve amped up the nutrients and fiber significantly by adding chopped, raw broccoli.  You’ll get two patties (2 servings) from one 5-ounce can. They’re delicious as is, or on a bed of dark, leafy greens or in a multigrain bun. It’s a quick and delicious way to serve canned tuna! Tuna and Broccoli Cakes  *Tastes like tuna noodle casserole but WAY healthier! Makes 2 cakes Directions:  Don’t miss Chef Brule’s video for a quick tutorial on how to make these mouthwatering tuna broccoli cakes. Medicinal Properties of Featured Ingredients Remember, the purpose of these “Food as Medicine” posts is not to promise a cure or fast fix to any chronic health condition. Rather, these recipes have been carefully curated for their well-researched medicinal properties, which may enhance your health and wellness.  Take a look…  Broccoli Broccoli is a nutrient powerhouse, offering numerous health benefits. It is rich in vitamins C and K, which are essential for boosting the immune system, supporting collagen production for healthy skin, and promoting bone health and blood clotting. Broccoli also contains sulforaphane, a powerful antioxidant known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, which helps neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Being high in fiber, broccoli aids digestion and promotes gut health, contributing to overall wellness. Additionally, its detoxifying properties are due to high levels of glucoraphanin, which support the body’s natural detoxification processes. Tuna Tuna is packed with essential nutrients that offer key health benefits. It provides a high-quality source of lean protein, vital for muscle repair, hormone production, and overall tissue health. Tuna is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation, support heart health, and improve brain function. It also supplies a wealth of B vitamins, particularly B12, which aids in energy production, cognitive function, and red blood cell formation. Despite being nutrient-dense, tuna is relatively low in calories, making it an excellent option for weight management. Shallots Shallots offer several wellness-enhancing compounds that contribute to overall health. They are rich in antioxidants, including flavonoids and sulfur compounds, which help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Shallots also possess natural anti-inflammatory properties, which can aid in managing conditions like arthritis and heart disease. They support digestion by containing prebiotic fiber that feeds healthy bacteria in the gut, promoting better digestion and immune function. Historically, shallots have been valued for their antimicrobial properties, which help fight infections. Dill weed Dill weed is an aromatic herb that provides more than just flavor. It is rich in antioxidants, particularly polyphenols, which help protect the body against oxidative damage and may reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Dill has been traditionally used to support digestive health by soothing indigestion and reducing bloating through its carminative properties, which promote gut health. Additionally, dill’s natural anti-inflammatory compounds may help reduce inflammation in the body and support joint health. This herb is also a good source of calcium, playing a key role in maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis. Give this recipe a try and share your thoughts with us on social media! Got a favorite ingredient you would like to see included in an upcoming Food as Medicine blog post? Let us know in the comments and Chef Brulé will work her magic!  In the meantime, be sure to mark your calendar for next week’s recipe!  Cheers! Chef JenRess Brulé is a renowned chef, food writer, and recipe developer with a passion for creating healthy, innovative dishes. She completed her undergraduate studies at the Baltimore International Culinary College (BICC) and pursued post-graduate work at the prestigious Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York. Her work has been featured in top publications such as Cooks Illustrated, Cooking Light, Shape Magazine, Fitness Magazine, and the New York Times. A familiar face on television, Chef Brulé has appeared on NBC of the Carolinas since 2011, made quarterly appearances on CNN Headline News Network, and showcased her culinary talents on the Food Network. With over 15 years of experience as a restaurant consultant, she also owned and operated her own restaurant for six years.

Portuguese Kale Soup Cover Photo for Eastern Med Tech
Food as Medicine

Food as Medicine Spotlight 1: Portuguese Kale Soup

Welcome to our first official installment of the Food as Medicine Series, in which we will explore the connection between nutrition with our overall health and wellness.  Chef JenRess Brulé fires up our series with a perfect fall comfort food recipe, Portuguese kale soup. Here, she explains why she chose to start this series with this particular dish and then we dive into the medicinal properties found in some of the featured ingredients.  To your health!  A Word from Chef Brulé I learned this recipe from a very grumpy pub owner on Cape Cod about 40 years ago. I was waitressing there in high school and damn, as irritable as the owner was, all the food was fantastic!  It has remained one of my favorite soups since that time– Loaded with veggies, beans, kale, and a super savory (a bit tangy) stock – It hits all the right notes for a bowlful of comfort. Portuguese Kale Soup Recipe *Make this vegan by omitting the sausage or replacing it with vegan sausage. Serves 6-8 Directions:  Calling all visual learners! Check out Chef Brule’s video where she shows you just how to make this incredible autumn recipe! Medicinal Properties of Key Ingredients While we would never suggest that any of these ingredients are curative, they each have medicinal properties that support optimal health and wellness, whether they fall under the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant or vitamin-packed categories. Olive oil  Olive oil, especially extra virgin, is rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants like vitamin E. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can support heart health by reducing LDL cholesterol levels and protecting against oxidative stress. Olive oil is also linked to improved brain function and protection against cognitive decline. Its healthy fats support nutrient absorption and offer a base for healthy cooking. Red bell pepper Red bell peppers are a powerhouse of vitamin C, which is crucial for boosting the immune system and enhancing collagen production, promoting skin health. They also contain beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which benefits vision and skin. Red peppers are packed with antioxidants that can help fight inflammation and chronic diseases. Their vibrant color comes from phytochemicals like lycopene, which have been linked to reducing the risk of cancer. Garlic Garlic is widely regarded as a medicinal food with potent antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It contains a sulfur compound called allicin, which has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and support immune function. Garlic is also a natural anti-inflammatory and may help regulate blood sugar levels, making it an excellent addition to a balanced diet. Cannellini & dark red kidney beans Both types of beans are excellent sources of plant-based protein and fiber, which promote satiety, digestive health, and balanced blood sugar levels. Beans contain essential nutrients like folate, iron, potassium, and magnesium, which support heart and bone health. The fiber content helps regulate cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease, and the antioxidants found in kidney beans, particularly anthocyanins, may protect cells from damage. Kale Kale is often regarded as a superfood due to its high concentration of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like calcium and iron. It contains antioxidants, such as quercetin and kaempferol, which have powerful anti-inflammatory, heart-protective, and anticancer effects. Kale’s fiber content also supports digestion and helps detoxify the body. Additionally, the chlorophyll in kale is thought to aid in the body’s detoxification processes, particularly in removing heavy metals. Marjoram & oregano Both herbs are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. Oregano, in particular, contains carvacrol and thymol, compounds known for their antimicrobial and antifungal effects. Marjoram has been traditionally used to improve digestion and relieve gastrointestinal issues. These herbs also contain vitamins A, C, and K and may aid in boosting immunity, reducing oxidative stress, and supporting cardiovascular health. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) ACV has long been used for its digestive benefits, as it helps promote healthy gut bacteria and can improve digestion. It contains acetic acid, which may help lower blood sugar levels after meals by improving insulin sensitivity. ACV is also thought to help with weight management by enhancing feelings of fullness. Additionally, its antimicrobial properties can help combat harmful bacteria in the body, and it may play a role in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. We hope you’ll treat yourself to a bowl of this powerhouse Portuguese kale soup. If you do make it, share your review with us on social media and stay tuned for next week’s recipe… You won’t want to miss it!  Cheers! Chef JenRess Brulé is a renowned chef, food writer, and recipe developer with a passion for creating healthy, innovative dishes. She completed her undergraduate studies at the Baltimore International Culinary College (BICC) and pursued post-graduate work at the prestigious Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York. Her work has been featured in top publications such as Cooks Illustrated, Cooking Light, Shape Magazine, Fitness Magazine, and the New York Times. A familiar face on television, Chef Brulé has appeared on NBC of the Carolinas since 2011, made quarterly appearances on CNN Headline News Network, and showcased her culinary talents on the Food Network. With over 15 years of experience as a restaurant consultant, she also owned and operated her own restaurant for six years. Now, Chef Brulé is launching a groundbreaking startup aimed at addressing food insecurity for school-aged children across the country. Through her expertise and vision, she continues to make an impact on kitchens and communities nationwide.  “Food and cooking have always been a source of love and creativity for me. I’m thrilled to be sharing my culinary experience with Eastern MedTech customers and friends, while possibly helping us all create flavorful, healthy meals!”

Food as Medicine blog post by Eastern MedTech featuring Chef JenRess Brule
Food as Medicine

Introducing: “Food as Medicine” – A Weekly Blog Series with Recipes and Videos Curated by Renowned Chef JenRess Brulé

Are you ready to revolutionize your relationship with food while enhancing your health in the process? Look no further than the launch of our upcoming blog series, Food as Medicine, where we’ll explore the powerful connection between what we eat and how we feel. Each week, we’ll introduce you to healthy recipes that not only taste amazing but are packed with medicinal benefits to fuel your body and mind.  Our celebrated guest curator for this series is JenRess Brulé, an accomplished chef and successful restaurateur whose expertise has been shared in Cooks Illustrated, Cooking Light, Shape Magazine, Fitness Magazine, and even the New York Times. Chef Brulé has dedicated years to perfecting the art of creating meals that are as healing as they are delicious. Together, we’ll embark on a journey to uncover the magic of everyday ingredients that can transform your health and well-being. Here’s what you can look forward to: Whether you’re a seasoned foodie or just beginning to explore the concept of food as medicine, this blog series is designed to inspire you. Get ready to nourish your body, expand your palate, and discover how the right ingredients can improve your well-being. Stay tuned for the first recipe drop next week. You won’t want to miss it!

Diabetic Care, Food as Medicine, Products

Harnessing the Power of Food as Medicine: Transforming Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, and Overall Health

Anyone trying to manage a chronic illness or who is at all concerned with wellness will have encountered the concept of “food as medicine.” The idea is simple yet profound, which might explain the nod of approval it has received from pop culture and medical practitioners alike.  Here’s the gist: the foods we eat have the power to prevent, manage, and even reverse chronic health conditions. This is an impactful claim for people dealing with sleep apnea, and other related health issues. Essentially, it suggests that intentional dietary choices can be transformative.  Let’s consider how harnessing the power of food as medicine can improve your health and well-being, particularly in managing diabetes, sleep apnea, and overall health. The finer points of “food as medicine.” The notion of food as medicine is rooted in the belief that a nutritious diet can play a pivotal role in maintaining health and preventing disease. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, supposedly said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”  Regardless of who said that, if anyone in particular, this ancient wisdom is increasingly supported by modern science, which shows that dietary habits are closely linked to the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and sleep apnea. By choosing foods that nourish the body, reduce inflammation, and stabilize blood sugar levels, you can support your body’s natural healing processes and improve your overall quality of life. Can a healthy diet transform diabetes?   Diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes, is closely linked to dietary habits. Managing blood sugar levels is crucial for individuals with diabetes, and food plays a central role in achieving this balance.  So, how you can harness the power of food to manage (or better yet!) prevent diabetes? Prioritize low glycemic index (GI) foods  Foods with a low glycemic index release glucose slowly into the bloodstream, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. Incorporating low-GI foods into your diet can reduce the risk of blood sugar spikes and improve insulin sensitivity. Whenever possible, integrate the following ingredients into your diet: Up your fiber intake   Fiber is a crucial nutrient for blood sugar management for its ability to slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, which helps keep blood sugar levels stable. High-fiber foods include: Aim to include a variety of fiber-rich foods in your diet to support blood sugar control and overall health. Help yourself to healthy fats   Healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish, can improve insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood sugar levels. These fats also provide satiety, reducing the likelihood of overeating and weight gain, which are risk factors for diabetes. Resist refined carbohydrates and skip sugary foods  Refined carbohydrates and sugary foods cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, making them a poor choice for individuals with diabetes. Instead, opt for whole, unprocessed foods that provide sustained energy and essential nutrients. Pick plants first A plant-based diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes, has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Even if you don’t adopt a fully plant-based diet, increasing your intake of plant foods can have significant health benefits. Soothing sleep apnea symptoms with smart diet choices  Sleep apnea, a condition characterized by interrupted breathing during sleep, is closely linked to obesity and inflammation—both of which can be influenced by diet. Making strategic dietary changes can help manage and potentially reduce the severity of sleep apnea: Focus on weight managementWeight loss is one of the most effective strategies for reducing the severity of sleep apnea. A diet that supports healthy weight loss, rich in whole, unprocessed foods, can reduce the fatty deposits around the neck and improve breathing during sleep. Avoid consumption of inflammatory foodsInflammation can worsen sleep apnea symptoms by contributing to airway obstruction. Reducing or eliminating inflammatory foods—such as processed foods, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats—can help alleviate symptoms. Swap out these sleep apnea culprits for anti-inflammatory foods, such as: Keep in careful control of alcohol and caffeine consumption   Alcohol and caffeine can disrupt sleep and worsen sleep apnea symptoms. Alcohol relaxes the muscles of the throat, making airway obstruction more likely, while caffeine can interfere with sleep quality. Limiting or avoiding these substances, especially before bedtime, can help improve sleep quality and reduce apnea episodes. Small and balanced: the keys to healthy mealsLarge, heavy meals, especially close to bedtime, can exacerbate sleep apnea symptoms. Opt for smaller, balanced meals throughout the day, and try to finish eating at least two to three hours before going to bed. Finding fortitude by embracing food as medicine Beyond managing specific conditions like diabetes and sleep apnea, the principles of food as medicine can lead to enhanced overall health. The following five strategies are ideal wellness habits that anyone can embrace in pursuit of optimal health and wellness.  Model your diet after the MediterraneanThe Mediterranean diet is consistently ranked as one of the healthiest diets in the world for its emphasis on whole, nutrient-dense foods, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins (particularly fish), and healthy fats like olive oil. This diet is associated with documented health and longevity benefits, including a reduced risk of chronic diseases, improved heart health, and better cognitive function. Stay hydratedProper hydration is essential for overall health. Water helps regulate body temperature, supports digestion, and maintains energy levels. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day, and more if you’re physically active or live in a hot climate. Reach for the rainbow  Anyone old enough to remember Skittles candy commercials will undoubtedly recall the motto, “Taste the rainbow.” This is not the same rainbow. Eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables ensures that you get a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which support immune function, reduce inflammation, and protect against chronic diseases. Make eating a mindful practice   What does mindful eating mean? It’s simple, but does take practice: pay attention to hunger and fullness cues,

Two women holding different foods. One holding an apple, the other holding a donut.
Diabetic Care, Food as Medicine, Products, Sleep Care

Get on board with good nutrition to manage diabetes and sleep apnea   

No matter how busy you might be – and we’re all busy in this on-demand, digitized world – it’s important to prioritize good nutrition however possible. This is particularly true for anyone trying to manage chronic conditions such as diabetes and sleep apnea. Connecting the dots between nutrition, diabetes, and sleep apnea For individuals with diabetes, maintaining stable blood sugar levels is crucial, which depends on good nutrition. Consuming a balanced diet helps manage blood glucose levels, reduce the risk of complications, and improve overall health. In order to do that, make it a habit to check the following boxes: Given that obesity is a significant risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea, those who have been diagnosed are well-advised to embrace the following nutrition tips for sleep apnea management:   The dynamic duo: good nutrition and innovative technology While good nutrition is a cornerstone of managing chronic conditions like diabetes and sleep apnea, you also need access to the right support and innovative products. At Eastern MedTech, we offer an impressive inventory of sleep and respiratory products designed to enhance the lives of those living with conditions like sleep apnea. Additionally, we provide solutions in support of diabetic care that make a daily difference for anyone diagnosed with diabetes.  Contact us to learn more! 

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